Can I convert a Petrol car to an Electric car?

Today everybody is talking about electric car conversion. Since the cost of new electric cars is very high, people are interested in converting their old petrol/diesel cars into electric one. The advantage of this electric car conversion is that we are not polluting the environment as well as not spending much on the car. WhyContinue reading “Can I convert a Petrol car to an Electric car?”

Why should we adopt Electric Vehicles?

As everyone is talking about electric vehicles, you might get some doubt about electric vehicles. Is it worth buying an electric vehicle?, what will be the range of the vehicle, will I be able to charge the vehicle, how to charge the battery, what will be the running cost, what will be the battery lifeContinue reading “Why should we adopt Electric Vehicles?”

What will happen when your electric car got stuck up in traffic jam?

Traffic jam is a major problem in most of the cities. We often got stuck up in traffic during peak hours like morning and evening. Sometimes, we have to spend more than an hour to cross a busy road. As we were aware, the internal combustion engine vehicles are a major source of air pollution.Continue reading “What will happen when your electric car got stuck up in traffic jam?”

How to increase the mileage of my electric car?

Though many people are interested in buying an electric car, the range of the vehicle often hinders them from buying one. As the charging infrastructure is only in development stage in India, the distance that can be traveled with one full battery charge plays a crucial role in moving towards electric cars. Though the manufacturer’sContinue reading “How to increase the mileage of my electric car?”

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