Dual converter

A three phase fully controlled converter can operate in two quadrants ( I and IV). The average output voltage can be positive or negative depending upon the firing angle while the current remains always positive because of the unidirectional property of the devices. How to get four quadrant operation? There are some applications like aContinue reading “Dual converter”

Effect of source inductance on the performance of phase controlled rectifier

In single phase fully controlled rectifiers, 2 thyristors conduct at any time. When the other two thyristors are triggered, the outgoing thyristors will turn off immediately. It is assumed that the incoming thyristors are turned on instantaneously and outgoing thyristors are turned off instantaneously. However, this is applicable only when the source does not haveContinue reading “Effect of source inductance on the performance of phase controlled rectifier”

Three phase Half controlled converter/ Semi-converter

Three phase half controlled converter is obtained by replacing 3 thyristors with 3 diodes in a fully controlled rectifier. Half controlled converter or semiconverter fed dc drives are used in industries which is a economical choice in some applications which does not require wide output voltage control like a fully controlled rectifier. Why half controlledContinue reading “Three phase Half controlled converter/ Semi-converter”

Three phase fully controlled rectifier

Three phase rectifier A three phase rectifier converts a balanced 3-phase power supply into a fixed DC supply using diodes or thyristors. Types of three phase rectifier In this article, we will see about fully controlled rectifier which uses thyristors for controlling the output voltage. Three phase fully controlled rectifier-RLE load The power circuit consistsContinue reading “Three phase fully controlled rectifier”

Three phase half wave controlled rectifier

Three phase rectifier A three phase rectifier converts a balanced 3-phase power supply into a fixed DC supply using diodes or thyristors. Types of three phase rectifier Types of three phase uncontrolled rectifier In this article, we will see about controlled half wave rectifier which uses thyristors for controlling the output voltage. Three phase halfContinue reading “Three phase half wave controlled rectifier”

Three phase half wave uncontrolled rectifier

Three phase rectifier A three phase rectifier converts a balanced 3-phase power supply into a fixed DC supply using diodes or thyristors. Types of three phase rectifier Types of three phase uncontrolled rectifier In this article we will see about uncontrolled half wave rectifier Three phase uncontrolled half wave rectifier The power circuit consists ofContinue reading “Three phase half wave uncontrolled rectifier”

Single phase Half controlled converter/ Semi-converter

Single phase half controlled converter is obtained by replacing 2 thyristors with 2 diodes in a fully controlled rectifier. Half controlled converter or semiconverter fed dc drives a re used in industries which is a economical choice in some applications which does not require wide output voltage control like a fully controlled rectifier. Why halfContinue reading “Single phase Half controlled converter/ Semi-converter”

Single phase fully controlled rectifier

Modes of operation The single phase full bridge converter can operate in two modes In both modes of operation (a)SCR should be forward biased and apply firing pulse to get turned on (b)Current through SCR always flows in the same direction ( A to K) For the single phase fully controlled rectifier feeding rle loadContinue reading “Single phase fully controlled rectifier”

Phase controlled rectifier- full wave rectifier- part 1

Half wave rectifier output voltage has more ripple content. Hence it is seldom used in real time applications. Full wave rectifiers produce two output pulses in every cycle of supply voltage and their output voltage has less ripple content compared to half wave rectifier. Full wave rectifiers have wide number of applications and are basicallyContinue reading “Phase controlled rectifier- full wave rectifier- part 1”

Single phase controlled rectifier–part 2

In the previous article, we have seen about single phase half wave controlled rectifier feeding R load and RL load. In this article, we will see about the effect of freewheeling diode and RLE load. Table of content 1. Half wave rectifier with RL load and freewheeling diode In half wave rectifier with RL load,Continue reading “Single phase controlled rectifier–part 2”

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