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Series circuit Vs Parallel circuit

There are different types of circuit Series circuit All the resistances are connected in series. A single path for the current to flow hence current remains the same. The voltage across each resistor depends on the value of resistor. As resistance increases, volt drop also increases. Parallel circuit All the resistances are connected in parallel…

Ohm’s law and its limitations

What is Ohm’s law? The voltage across conducting material is directly proportional to the current flowing through the material, provided the physical conditions remains the same. Power dissipated in the resistor Limitations of Ohm’s law •Does not apply to non linear devices like diode  and transistors. •Does not apply to all non-metallic conductors. •Law is…

How to find resistor value using colour code?

In this article, we will see about the resistance colour coding. In small resistors, colour coding is used to denote the value of resistance as it will be difficult to print the numerical value on the small resistors. There are different types of resistors- 4 band resistor, 5 band resistor and 6 band resistor. In…

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